Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics - Data Asset View

A React application to view and share brain imaging data that have been registered and analyzed on a third-party cloud platform, Code Ocean. The goal of this project is to prototype a site through which Neural Dynamics can contribute to open science by sharing data freely and openly with the public. This project consumes the Code Ocean Data Asset API.

Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics - Code Ocean API

An open source Python package that allows users to easily use the Code Ocean API.

  • Published on PyPI
  • Built with Python

Room Reservation System - Capstone Project

This project is a web application that tracks room reservation information. This capstone addresses a real world problem at Ada Developers Academy's Seattle campus which currently lacks an automated system for reserving conference rooms.

  • Deployed with Google Firebase
  • Built with ReactJS, JavaScript, Google Firestore (NoSQL database), and Materialize CSS

Inspiration Board - Group Project

This project is a web application where users can leave inspirational "sticky notes" on digital boards. I developed two React components to display notes for a selected board and allow users to like/delete a note.

  • Built with ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Task List API

A web API to create, read, update, and delete tasks and goals. Created custom endpoints and utilized the Slackbot API to show a message when a POST request was successful.

  • Built with Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, and SQLAlchemy